15 May, 2010

Biotechnology-Immu. sem - V Paper - VII

1. Write detail note on cells of immune system. <15>
What are lymphoid organs? Explain primary lymphoid organs in detail. <15>
2. What are antigens? Explain its characteristics and factors affecting immunogenicity. <15>
Give detail account of antigen antibody reaction. <15>
3. Write in detail about antigen presenting cells of immune system. <15>
a. Explain hybridoma technology for production of antibody. <10>
b. T-cell activation. <5>
4. What is cytokine? Explain properties and function of cytokine. <15>
a. Activation and regulation of complement system. <8>
b. Vaccines. <7>
5. Explain auto immune diseases. <15>
a. Explain immunological response to tuberculosis. <8>
b. Immunodeficiency diseases: AIDS. <7>

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hi... hiren...