16 May, 2010

Microbiology Sem - IV

a. Answer following. <5>
1. What is hydrolysis?
2. Define atom.
3. What is valence shell?
4. Define buffer.
5. What is isotope?
b. Write essay on chemical bonds. <10>
Write short notes on: <15>
a. Concept of pH and buffer.
b. Functional group of molecule.
c. Structure of atom.
a. Answer following. <5>
1. How many asymmetric carbons are present in glucose?
2. Define racemic mixture.
3. Define tautomerization.
4. Name the amino acid which contain imidazole ring.
5. What do you mean by oligomeric protein?
b. Explain structure of protein. <10>
Write short notes on: <15>
a. Hetero poly saccharides.
b. Mutarotation.
c. Properties of protein.
a. Answer following. <5>
1. Write the statement of Erwin Chargaff’s rule.
2. Define PUFA.
3. Give full form of CPPP.
4. Define nucleosome.
5. Define waxes.
b. Explain different tests carried out to check the purity of fats and oils. <10>
Write short notes on: <15>
a. Explain: DNA double helix.
b. Amphipathic lipids.
c. Properties of TAG.
a. Answer following. <5>
1. What is chemoautotroph?
2. What is synchronous growth of bacteria?
3. Enlist the method used for quantitative measurement of bacterial growth.
4. What is selective media? Give any two examples of same.
5. What is chemo state?
b. Explain the nutritional requirement of bacteria. <10>
Write short notes on: <15>
a. Nutritional types of bacteria.
b. Types of bacteria based on temperature and O2 requirement.
c. Different mode of reproduction of bacteria.
a. Answer following. <5>
1. What is apoenzyme?
2. Define: isoenzyme.
3. Enlist the condition that affects enzyme activity.
4. What is EC no?
5. Enlist six different classes of enzyme.
b. Explain detail about regulation of enzyme activity. <10>
Write short notes on: <15>
a. Reversible enzyme inhibition.
b. Irreversible enzyme inhibition.
c. Chemical and physical properties of enzyme.

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hi... hiren...